Saturday, September 3, 2005

Time for knitting

Well, it's knitting time. Did manage to get a little done in the car while A. was delivering a catering order but had to stop when she wouldn't stop talking and I had to count. lol. Getting ready to finish the front left side of the cardigan...A. helped me through the pattern to make sure that I had all the annoying decreases correct. The math is the only thing that I hate about knitting. 'Cause I be hating the math. The cardigan should be worth it. If anyone wants to look at it (sorry, no digital camera) it is in the spring/summer issue of Knit1 on page 47. I'm using a wonderful color called Coral Gables that is a mixture of pinks, oranges, yellows and just a wonderful texture. I do like Homespun as it knits up quite nicely.

If it would only knit up by itself. I could get alot more finished that way. I do like knitting but sometimes it's overwhelming. I think the yarn stash is slowly creeping down the hall to jump out and bury me unawares one day when I am walking by. I hear it..."use us...knit me know you want we are..." I think I'm knitting too much. I think I shall have a nice cup of tea and watch my shows on PBS tonight. I do, however, want to dye my wool yarn that I bought. I specifically bought the white so I can use Kool-Aid. The hardest part is deciding what color. I'm leaning toward lemon-lime and cherry.

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