Man!! I am irritated. I have knit and knit and knit on "Tiny" my cardigan and I have it all put together except the placket. So I tried it on and I am not happy. It fits but does not look good. I am not going to put it on again until the placket is sewn on as I am hoping that it will pull it all together and it will look better. If not I shall have to find a new home for it.GGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR.
I did start on the "Oh No,not again" poncho and have a good bit of it finished. I will not be able to work on it tonight because of the A.A.S. meeting and then tomorrow the stupid Stampin' Up party that C. wanted to throw for some stuff. NOT my kind of thing at all but I told her that I would so that is that. Hopefully the few that I invited will come as they like the S.U. stamps. Then knitting group on Tuesday which is always fun as it meets in the library and I can get my book fill first and then my knitting help. Also I like to get books on tape for when I am knitting. Hopefully there will be some good ones there.